Thursday, February 18, 2016

Blog Post #11


This delightful movie brings us memories of all our childhood books and fairy tales. Also it really reminds me of other novels such as "Cinderella" and other that I really don't remember. The movie is very enjoyable to watch and its funny because its also kind of a parody of fairy tales. The movie isn't a movie for young kids because some of the language they used was bad but it was still very funny. The movie also showed allot the meaning of true love that I really don't believe much in the way people are today. Maybe in the past, love was something that actually matters and that was taken very serious. But now, love is the least thing that people care about when they are in a relationship. I think that today society only cares about attractiveness and body parts that they like. People only care about whats outside more thats what in the inside, and that is what truly matters. But when Im speaking in the true love in family, the family is one of the most important qualities too succeed in life. I personally love my family. If I fight with my mom or dad,I can't stand to not say sorry because I care so much forth and I couldn't imagine my life without them. In conclusion this movie brings up allot of aspects in life and the most important is true love.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blog Post #10


This musical is a reincarnation of the famous cartoon of Popeye. I agree with the teacher when we say that its a classic and I still remember the first  time I saw it when I was a little kid. Since the movie is a musical it has songs in the whole movie and If I had too pick my favourite it would be Olives song about Bluto 'He's Large". Its so funny how she was singing the same song but at the same time she was trying to leave the wedding. This movie really brought some memories like from my childhood and from the death of Robin Williams with is one of my favourite movie actors. My favourite scene from the movie was when Popeye decided to fight that giant man baby and ended up beating him. I like it because I think its the first time Popeye shows his incredible strength. I find it interesting too that the location in which the movie was based was real. Its in the coast in Italy and by searching for it it was almost the same. Houses made of wood, boats, very tiny but very impressive though. Now I read the review from Robert Ebert and it had some really impressive things on it. He wrote of the participation of all the people, the detail of Sweethaven and how Sweet Pea was the directors grandson. But this movie really was well done. It had all the things that make us remember about Popeye today.